Considering Becoming an Egg Donor: Can I Sell My Eggs at 18?
Many couples struggle to have a baby. Egg donation provides them with a tremendous opportunity to start their family. If you have thought of making extra money as an egg donor, you may have asked yourself, “Can I sell my eggs at 18?”
Making an informed decision remains vital to becoming a donor of eggs. Read on to discover whether you are the right candidate for egg donations.
Can I Sell My Eggs at 18?
According to the World Egg & Sperm Bank, various facilities have a different age range for donors. However, the minimum age for egg donorship is 18, with the maximum age changing according to the facility used. For example, the World Egg & Sperm Bank sets its upper range at 32 since egg quality decreases as you age, creating health risks to the baby.
Some clinics only accept donors who are 21 to ensure the donor is old enough to make such a responsible decision.
Other Requirements for Becoming an Egg Donor
Can I sell my eggs at 18? Yes, you can, as long as your lifestyle is good enough and you meet the health requirements. These precautions are meant to protect you, the planned baby, and the future parents.
Age requirements are essential for becoming an egg donor, but several others are also. You will need a physical exam, genetic testing, psychological screening, and a healthy lifestyle. These all help to ensure the egg you donate has optimal health.
Therefore, egg donation agencies will only accept someone who doesn’t smoke, vape, or use recreational drugs. They will also check your BMI or body mass index to ensure you are not under- or overweight.
You cannot donate an egg while on certain forms of birth control, including Depo-Provera and Implanon. However, you can be on birth control pills or using rings, patches, IUDs, or tubal ligation.
To prevent any undue risk for the child conceived from your donated egg, you must provide information about your family’s medical and genetic history, including up to your biological grandparents, even if you are adopted.
STD and HIV/AIDS screening will take place to ensure you donate as healthy an egg as possible.
Additionally, potential donors must be able to pass several different types of intensive screenings, including psychological, STD, and genetic screenings.
As you can see, age is just one small factor regarding egg donation. There are many other criteria intended to ensure that you and your eggs are as healthy as possible before donation.
Physical and Psychological Screening
Egg donors require a physical exam to ensure they are healthy and to protect their fertility. Your screening will include infectious diseases, ovarian function, and genetic testing for potential congenital disabilities and inherited diseases.
Donating eggs entails several ethical, emotional, and social issues. Psychological screening remains vital to evaluating the complex decision of egg donation.
On its website, IVF1, a reproduction center, provides the following list of reasons why a candidate may be unsuitable to donate eggs, as suggested by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine:
- They have a severe psychological disorder
- The candidate or several of their relatives abuse drugs or alcohol
- The candidate currently takes psychoactive medications
- Experiences excessive stress
- The person is in an unstable relationship.
- Has been physically or sexually abused but never received professional treatment
- Does not have the mental capability to understand or participate in the process
- Psychiatric orders are often inherited, and egg donation centers must know of family members who have any
Can I Sell My Eggs at 18? Common Misconceptions About Egg Donorship
Many women have concerns about donating eggs since there are several misconceptions about the process. Feeling comfortable about the process is vital before becoming an egg donor.
Misconception #1: If I can sell my eggs at 18, how will it affect my fertility when I want to conceive?
You cannot run out of eggs by donating an egg, nor will it affect your fertility. The eggs retrieved during the donation are the ones that will either have ovulated or get absorbed by the body as part of the natural cycle. During each monthly cycle, your body loses up to 1,000. Eggs are still present in the body when it enters menopause, and the menstrual cycle ceases.
During each natural cycle, only one egg matures for fertilization. The egg donation process entails rescuing the eggs that are naturally lost through the natural cycle, allowing you to share them with people wanting to conceive.
Misconception #2: How does my age affect the donation process?
Whether at the bottom range of the age group for egg donation or at the top age, the process remains the same and doesn’t impact your body differently. Recovery time and the preparation processes stay the same regardless of your age.
Misconception#3: I am worried my donation won’t remain confidential
Clinics adhere to the principle that all information the donor provides and their donation remains anonymous and confidential. Your physical attributes are used to match your donation to the person wanting to conceive. These include nationality, coloring, height, and weight. However, you may also not receive information about the recipient or how your eggs will get used.
Misconception#4: It’s not safe
Infrequent risks are associated with egg donorship, and there are few side effects during the cycle while on medications. You are asleep during the retrieval, which lasts about 15 minutes, and you may feel some pelvic discomfort for up to three days. It is safe to make up to 6 donations.
Final Take
The average compensation for egg donation can range between $5,000 and $10,000. Many ask: Can I sell my eggs at 18? The answer is yes. Most clinics will accept egg donations from 18 to 32 if you meet the strict requirements.
Egg donation is not a small decision. The life-changing process gives many childless people the opportunity to start a family. Most importantly, you can choose whether to make one or multiple donations.